Seeing Unpleasant Dreams


Salaam. May Allah (SWT) Bless you in His Lights.

Thank you for responding to my post. I am grateful. For some time I have struggled with my ego. I dream unpleasant dreams, which make me believe I am unworthy of good thoughts. Last night I dreamt of a baby girl sucking my cheek, but it felt more like she was biting a hole in my face. I was laughing but felt awkward at the same time. When I removed the baby from my face there was no hole, and I felt no pain.

My daughter-in-law is expecting, Alhamdulillah. Recently, there’s been some tension between us, caused by a member of my family.  I am extremely ashamed and embarrassed. My whole life seems to be one big mountain that I am unable to climb. I feel I want to give up. Allah Forgive me. Not sure who to talk to that will understand.


wa `alaykum salam,

When people know the benefits of reciting the Holy Quran and Salawat, their life will get filled with joy and happiness. Surrender all your struggles to Allah and get close and talk to Him. Call out His 99 names (Asmaul Husna) always and every day, pray, make dua a lot and recite Salawat as often as possible, it will erase your problems. Don’t pamper your ego, fight it. Bad dreams come from it. Make good relations with your daughter-in-law and think or act positive with the people who cause you tension. Allah will always be with you if you remember Him.

Hajjah Faridah

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