Dream: Similiar theme: place and family


Assalamu’alaikum ya Maulanana
and eShaykhStaff,

Over last several months I have dreams which mostly have similiar things in common:
– home/area where I was grown up during my school (elementry till high school) and spent my childhood. It was in my grandparents’ house (from mother) or in my old parents’ house (before renovated) or any old houses nearby
– with or meet family members/relativies, sometimes had meal together, feast or just hang around with them. A few times included those who passed away but never my grandparents
And strangely I only once dreamed about (within) a place where I live now with my wife and her family, it is her parents’ house. And I dreamed a few times within a house where I spent my univ time, its my grandparents’ house (from father).
Would you please interpret me the meaning of such dreams?
Thank you.


`Alaykum Salam,

Dreams of a happy past are comforting reminiscences and refreshing retreats for the soul.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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