Dream: Somalia


BismiAllah Heeraman Neeraheem

Asssalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barkartu!

Wow this is sooooo cool! Honestly thank you tons(for this website!)

dream1: My husband had a dream that Sheik Nazim kissed his feet.

dream 2: He was in Africa with some Somalians and he did a drought prayer. It rained and they did ziker

dream3: He dreamed a dream a long time ago of a very handsome man sitting next to a pool of water with date or palms trees smiling at him,


wa `alaykum salam,

1) Mawlana Shaykh Nazim kissing your husband’s feet means that he is from Ahl al-Bayt, and Mawlana is giving him the respect of his holy lineage.

2) Being with Africans means supporters of Islam as the Ethiopians (Ahl Habash) supported the Prophet’s Companions to make hijrah. Doing drought prayer until it rained is sign that your husband is from Ahl al-Bayt, for the Sahaba used to make du`a for rain through Sayyidina `Abbas, the Prophet’s uncle, after the Prophet (s) passing from this dunya. This shows your husband can be of great help to those who are seeking the way of Allah and the Prophet (s).

3) Water and dates are the aswadayn, “the two black things”, that the Prophet (s) loved so much.  The man is your husband’s soul in symbolic form, happy with his practice of the sunnah.

W’ Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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