True Dreams for a Child


Assalamu Alaykum

I’ve posted recently regarding true dreams which was answered by Shaykh Haddad, shukran for that. Coincidentally, my twelve year old son is having them as well, this started the end of November, roughly 8 months after my dreams started.

The difference is that his happen exactly as he sees them and occur very soon after having dreamt it, whereas mine are cryptic and happen sometimes months later. My questions are:
1. Why the sudden onset of the dreams within the same year for
both of us?
2. I thought it was a spiritual gift, but could it be hereditary or
could puberty play a role for him?

He is struggling to understand what is happening which is understandable considering his age and trying to explain this to a child is not easy.

Could you please try and help me understand these happenings?

Shukran so much.


Alaykum salam,

Dhikr of mala’ika and unseen world is more visible to children because they are closer to it in time. Continue with your wazifas and build up your blessings.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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