Dream: Two horses


Assalmou alikoum,
I saw three of my cousins brought us two horses/hennies. (I looked from the roof / terrace I saw the horses’ carriages. I was on the roof hanging clothes). To my surprise, They put the horses in a box/ coffin so that they can carry them easily through the whole stairs. I shake hand with one of my cousins. Then I saw my father rahemahou Allah standing just between me and the one I greet. I realised then that my father was among them to bring the two horses. I start immediately kissing my father’s arm. I saw then the cousins sitting in our house. I saw my father going back to die again.



wa `alaykum salam,

Horses in a dream are a good sign. Insha-Allah you will receive a great benefit through your family. Seeing your father in a dream and kissing his hand, means you have his support and approval insha-Allah.

Success is from Allah.

Ali Elsayed

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