Assalam Waleikum,
I am 25 years old girl. My parents are worried about my marriage. Uptill now there were 23 to 24 guys who came to see me but all of them rejected me. We have come to know that my aunt has done black magic on me so that I shouldnt get married. We tried going to many people but none of them could solve our problem. Now even I am very worried about my marriage.
Also there is no peace in our house. My parents, my sisters fight a lot for all small small things. We are financially strong but still have to suffer for everything that others get easily. We have also come to know that some bad thing has been buried in the garden of our house. There are jinns in our house. We are in lot of trouble. Please help us.
Allah hafiz
Wa `alaykum salam,
This is the general prescription for protection from Jinn by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani:
1. Recite the Du`a of Ayat al-Kursi once a day
2. Recite Ayat al-Kursi itself 3x a day
3. wear the tawiz of Grandshaykh `Abdullah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (q)