Marriage Coldness Question



Dear Shaykh Hisham,

My wife is wonderful, She is beautiful, keeps her Iman, cooks well, cleans  everything, takes good care of the kids. She is mostly silent – another great blessing.

We rarely speak, except for matters of daily household functioning. She flinches and withdraws whenever I touch her.

We sleep separately, she with the kids. We have not been intimate for 5 years, since our daughter was born.

She never kisses, except occasionally on receipt of a big gift. She always turns her face away.

I accept her as is. I am happy to be in her presence, but I am now wondering if it may be that she has been abused in the past.

Why else be so withdrawn?

I do not push. I do not wish to make either of us uncomfortable.

Can you recommend any way to ‘break through’ this wall of ice?



wa `alaykum salam,

Recite daily 100 x Ya Sabur.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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