Marriage Without Parents’ Approval


assalamoalaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh respected Hajjah!

I wanted to discuss a very personal issue here. Actually I married a guy without letting my parents know about it because he is not very well off financially and my parents would have never approved of him. But now I don’t want to keep this relationship hidden anymore. But I also do not wish to hurt my parents by telling them that I did nikah without telling them. So me and my husband have decided that his family will ask for my hand in marriage from my parents. But since I know my parents wont accept him so can you please tell me about any special wazaif which I can do so that my parents accept his proposal happily? I will be extremely grateful as I am in very much distress. I can’t leave my husband nor do I want to hurt my parents. Please help me out.


As-salaam `alaykum,
Sorry for the delay, we were having technical difficulties. Plus we are overseas. You need to recite Hasbun-Allah wa ni’ma ‘l-wakeel 70,000 (Seventy thousand) times. You do not have to do this in one shot, you can take as long as you need. One week, ten days ect. After you finish 70,000 you must pray two ra`kats, and after the two rak`ats recite Bismillah r-Rahman r-Raheem 100 times. Then make a du`a for what you’re asking for.

Hajjah Naziha

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