Permissibility of Nikkah Over Webcam


Asalamu alaykum Wr. Wb.,

My Shaykh, my fiancee who is a revert and I wish to perform Nikkah asap. I can’t visit her personally, and she told me an Imam had told her that Nikkah over a webcam is valid. If what the Iman has told her is in keeping with Shariah then kindly guide me on what protocols should I follow to make sure our Nikkah( over the webcam ) is in agreement with Shariah and receives Allah’s and our Prophet Muhammad (S)’s blessings.

Keep us both in your prayer,
JazakAllah Khayran


wa `alaykum salam,

One of the conditions for a valid Nikah is that both parties have to be physically present (Ittihadu-l-Majlis). Performing Nikah over webcome is missing this shart (condition). However, one of the two parties (husband or bride) may appoint someone in the other person’s location to be their wakeel (representative) to make acceptance or offer on behalf of the person who is not physically present. Nikah performed in this manner will be valid. In Sha Allahu Ta’ala.

Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago

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