Prayer Request: Sudden change in husband’s behavior


My in-laws make me feel inferior/outsider in word/action/behaviour even though I try to please them. My husband use to see my efforts and sympathize with me (Alhamdulillah).

Lately my husband is distant/angry. In his anger he said a lot of hurtful things and that he would ask Allah for my hisab on the Last Day. We talk sparingly, he stays up late to avoid me. The very sight of me makes him angry. I live a double life as my family thinks I am happy. At home, I am severely depressed, my health is not good and ignore housework/kids.

Please pray for us. My core is shaken. For everyone else’s unfairness, I could ignore and feel peaceful at home but now that my home is restless, I am restless, broken and lost. I ask Allah to bless and forgive us and for us to be in Jannah together. Ameen.


Keep distance with your in-laws but respect them at the same time. Try to build a good relation with your husband with peace and smile even if he broke your heart, ignore his anger and unfairness. Fight your feeling with the recitation of Allah’s Name Ya Mani’ 164 times after Salatu Fajr and read Salawat al-Nooraniyyah. Read this Salawat while cooking and read 21 times over the water to drink. In sha Allah May Allah give you
peace and harmony.

Hajjah Faridah

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