Ahadith on Surah Ikhlas


AsalamuAlaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

What is the authenticity of these hadith:
Hazrat Anas(R) has said that Rasualllah(S) has said, “If anyone recites 200 times everyday Surah Ikhlas 200 of his (minor) sins committed over 50 years will be blotted out of his record; but, if he has to pay loan to anyone,that will not be forgiven.” (At-Tirmidhi and Darami)

Hazrat Anas(R) has reported the saying of Rasulallah (s) that, “If anyone who is about to sleep on his bed lies on his right side, then recited Al-Ikhlas 100 times, Allah will say to him on the Day of the resurrection, ‘My slave, enter Paradise to your right side.'” (Tirmizi)

JazakAllah Khayr


`Alaykum Salam,
Their chain is weak but there is consensus that in meritorious works weak hadiths can be put into practice. As for the loan, it is independently confirmed that since loans are from the rights of servants, they are not forgiven until repaid in full.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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