Halal Meat vs. Non-Halal Meat


Asalamu alaykum Sayyidi,
My mother cooks with non-halal meat and when i talk about not using it she gets angry and wants to argue that we should just say Bismillah and eat it. Should i eat the meat or not eat it? Should I say the tashhahud 3 times with astaghfirullah 70 times and eat the meat which someone said Mawlana Shaykh Nazim recommended to people in the West?
Astaghfirullah,Please guide me
Thank you for this website.

Jazakullah Khairan


You may see theĀ  Post “Is Meat in Western Countries Halal” and then consult your heart: if arguing with your mother is better or to follow the fatwa of those who allow eating meat in Western countries, OR any other solution.

Taher Siddiqui

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