Haram relationship


Salamu aleykum,

I have been struggling with a serious issue–see previous post–for over a year and half, but I haven’t found a way out despite the duas I’ve been performing (my family assists me). I know that patience is essential while tested, but as I think over this whole experience, I realize what is holding me down: relationships that go against Shari’a law.

I’ve unfortunately been in two of the kind; since, one ended, but I am still engage in an internet correspondence with a woman (Christian) that involves love, pictures, and the such. My question is what is the ruling about nikah (temporary, I am a student and/or permanent) over the internet? Can I get assist here with a “eShayk” here in case it is permissible?


Alaykum Salam,

It is not permissible and there is no such thing. Marriage is best so try to do it in the way that brings you true benefit.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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