Dear respected Shaykhs and staff of eShaykh.
I am very much interested to start practicing martial arts. I have seen a variety of styles, of martial art available. I found out about Tai Chi and it seems so balanced and non violent. I would like to know if it is permissible for a muslim to practice it and how should the muslim deal with their beliefs, if he/she is practicing it?
May Allah bless you all for your good deeds and multiply them.
Please convey my greetings to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and to all the respected Shaykhs of the Tariqa.
Jazak Allah.
wa `alaykum salam,
It is no problem. Tai Chi teaches many beneficial steps to maintain a healthy balance of one’s physical and mental vitality. This is in fact key in all other traditional martial arts – their purpose is the meaning of the self, not fighting per se.
You may read this post on Islam, Chinese Internal Martial Arts, and Cultural Adaptation.
Abdul Shakur