Prayer Request: Long term illness


Assalamulaikum waramatulahi wa barakathuhu

I have Alports syndrome which is a very rare genetic disorder. It affects your kidneys and leads to end stage kidney failure. Can you please pray that a cure comes for this condition as I yearn to fast for my lord and every time Ramadan comes I pray that my Allah makes me better so i can fast to please him even though am ashamed of all my sins. I can fast but its likely to affect me a little as am always underweight and doctors always say its up to you but i wouldn’t recommend you to fast. This confuses me as i have fasted for some days but my condition is genetic and there’s no cure apart from slowing the process of kidney failure with medication. I also have been told that I may pass it onto future children.


wa `alaykum salam,
Refer to the answer in this posting: Fasting with Medical Condition. Recite Yaa Shaafi 100-300x daily, and give Sadaqah. Insha Allah, we will pray for you.

Abdul Shakur

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