Break Wudu During Jamaat


Asalaamu Aleykum all Staff of

Can you advise please what would be the right thing to do if one’s wudu breaks whilst reading salaat with jamaat, particularly if one is in a long line? Does one have to go and do a fresh wudu immediately, which would mean walking in front of other people in the jamaat?

Would appreciate your advice and guidance, Jazakamullah Khair


Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

It is preferred that you make your way quickly out via the nearest end of the saff (prayer line) to renew your wudu (ablution) and join the congregation again. In this situation, you are allowed to walk in front of people praying and they may not raise their hands to block your way. As adab, you may walk slightly bowed down and somewhat cover your nose with your hand as a sign. Walk out quickly.

If your are in a situation where you cannot leave, you may follow the motion with the congregation until the end of the prayer. After salams, quickly leave the saff (prayer line) and renew your wudu. W ‘Allahu `alam.

Ustadh `Abdul Shakur Hadi

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