

Assalamou alaikoum,
A woman was pregnant and she couldn’t fast the whole Ramadan. After that she gave breast feeding for about two years. She could have fasted the days missed during or at least after breast feeding, but she didn’t. Now she begins to fast the missed days. The question is because she fasts the missed days not on time, does she has to pay for each day? And if yes how much has she have to pay for each day?
Jazakoum alahou khayeran wassalam


Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

wa `alaykum salam,

Yes, she has to pay fidya. For the first year that she has missed fasting until another Ramadan appears, she has to pay fidya for each day a “mudd” (750 grams) of staple food of the area she is in (e.g. rice, wheat,barley). If she did not make up the fast until another Ramdan comes, the amount is then doubled.

Allah knows best.

Muhammad Razib

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