Prayer Request: jinn and Black magic


786 Aslamu alaykum wb
My husbands auntie in Pakistan has jinn and black magic on her,objects fly across the room on there own accord in a forceful manner, her legs bleed completely on there own with no injury, she’s in pain when it happens. My husband gave her a taweez from Shaykh Nazim to wear she wore it for a little while but has been asked to change it for a different taweez my husband told her not to change it. please please make Dua for her Thank you May ALLAH swt be pleased with you Ameen


Alaykum salam,
Wear Mawlana’s taweez and post it on every window and door of the house. Recite last three Suras x33 each in every room every day.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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