
Asalamalaykum wr wb, I am lost in life, everything I looked forward too didn’t work out. Everything I wanted I didn’t get, I prayed a lot to Allah swt. Allah swt knows best. I am lost in life and hopeless, please Sayeedy pray for a change for me, give me hope again to life in happiness as I wanted and maybe even better with my family and of course our Sheikhs, may Allah swt raise you all. Please I need dua and madad, what do I do? It seems nothing is working and it’s the same thing day in and day out. My hopes for my life are gone :( Aslamalaykum!


Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

wa `alaykum salam,

May Allah make your life easy and safe and happy for you, and grant you success here and in the hereafter. I will forward your prayer requests to Mawlana. We should try to remember that the ETERNAL life is so much more than this life that it makes this life worthless in comparison. If we are patient with it all our troubles will most surely come to an end with Allah’s Blessings. As in the words of our beloved Messenger “Allah tests the ones He loves”. Allah loves you and if this dunya [world] was worth anything He would have given you more of it. All Allah’s saints have lost hope in this worldy life because they only care about being with Allah and His Prophet{SAWS} at all times. Since we are still struggling with it, it helps to be close to Allah’s saints as much as possible. With Allah’s permission they can help us to reach that peace of mind and heart and the spiritual presence in this life.

Dr. Bazaraa

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