I am 26 years old and would love nothing more than to be married and have my own family. I was supposed to marry a guy and last minute he decided he was not ready for marriage. I love him and wish I would marry him. Can you please please make Dua for me to get married soon. This is the only thing missing from my life. I am educated, smart, have a great job, Elhamdurila!! I wish to have my own family, please make Dua for me!
Thank you!
wa `alaykum salam,
Make your intention to marry for the sake of pleasing Allah and following the way of His most beloved Prophet (s). Recite every day 100 times “RabbunAllah HasbunAllah“, and make as much Salawat (darood) as you can daily. Insha-Allah, Allah will grant you to marry a good and pious man.
Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed