Acceptance of Du’a


asalamalaikum sheikh.. I need to succeed in a very important task and I know Allah(swt) does miracles because he is the master. I have a du’a which I have not told anyone about except a sister who has given me wazaifs to do. Please can you also tell me some powerful wazaifs which will help me succeed? please can all the sheikhs do speacial du’a for me and make dua this is good for our deen, dunya and akhira.. ameen



Pray two rak’ah Sunnah Hajat, begin and end your du’a glorifying Allah and sending Salawat to Prophet s.a.w., where in between ask with a truthful and sincere heart the good that you wish to do. All powerful du’as are like that.

Keep to the wazifah that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim has given us. It is second to none.

Abdul Shakur

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