Awrad during menstruations


Assalâmu ‘alaykoum wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuhu
A’udhu billâhi minach-chaïtânir-rajîm,
Ya shaikh,
I often hear “No shame fid-din“, but it is a bit difficult for me to ask you this question.
I am not able to make my awrad when I have my period. I feel dirty and tired. I do not want to make wudu. For 7 days I do nothing and I am very angry. I cry a lot. I feel my faith down. When my period is over, I perfor my dhikr but it’s difficult. Then I feel my faith increased, but I have my period again. And it all begins again.
What should I do ?
Barâkallâhu fîk for your “nasîha“.


wa`alaykum salam,

Be patient, Allah gives an angel on the period days, that does the awrad and dhikr on your behalf, Allah give women a vacation, so be happy, don’t be angry.

Hajjah Naziha Adil

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