Help Converting to Islam


I am not Muslim yet but I have been interested in Islam, and been reading and researching about it. I also have a Muslim friend who help me the best he can. I do want to convert but I’m still scared to do it regarding my family and friend’s reactions.
I am reading books about the religion, an understanding of the Quran and trying to pray the way I can but for the past two weeks, I feel that I lost the feeling I had before, the faith that I had. I do not know why, but I want to have this feeling again in my heart. What can I do to regain it? is there something I can say or do to help me ?
I feel weak, and I am scared of not ever being able to convert to Islam.
I would be grateful for your help.


You are on the right path. Go ahead and say shahada privately. No need
to tell any relatives or friends. Allah will guide you and inspire you,
just ask with humble sincerity and He will open ways for you and renew
your inspiration and faith at all times. Before leaving the house each
day just wash and make a prostration to God. He will dress you with

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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