Met a Dervish


Aslaam walkium. May Allah give Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, Mawlana Sheikh Hisham Kabbani and eShaykh team long life.

I met a Naqshbandi dervish from Turkey in Madinah Sharif. I think Mawlana knows him. He was speaking to us in Turkish and we were speaking to him in English he understood us and we understood him. We kissed his hand and pure noor was coming out his face. He told me and my uncle to take him to Jannat al Bakhi. We dropped him off at the hotel we cried. Later when we went to rest I kept envisioning him. This is not a dream by the way.

I want to know the concept of meeting this dervish. Can we get on his stage. Astagfirullah al azim wa atubu alayh forgive me for my lack of adab.


Alaykum Salam,
May Allah bless you and increase your blessings with such meetings, which are frequent and expected in the Holy Places.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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