Work Related


Asalam Alaiykum Shaykh wherever I am working I am hating it, to the extent I get depressed, I can’t wait for home time. Currently I am working in an organization for over a year now. I am on very very good pay but still I do not like it. I make excuses to get out of that place. All my life I wanted to start up my own business and work for my own but am scared not knowing which path to take. I am married and have responsibility so know that I have to earn a living for my family. Every job I have entered just makes me feel down I look for ways out but when it is home time I am fine and then next day same thing happens, like a cycle. Thank you & W’salam


wa `alaykum salam,

A lot of people feel the same way. This is part and parcel of our struggle, Jihad, in Dunya. If you feel you cannot cope further, you may do a different job that suits you. If you wish to start a business, get people you trust to help you. Recite HasbunAllah wa Ni`ma ‘l-Wakil 100 times, Astaghfirullah al-`Azeem wa Atubu ilayh 100 times, Ya Razzaq Ya Fattaah 100 times daily.

Abdul Shakur

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