Wiping the Face After Dua


Salams Sheikh Gibril,

Pardon my weakness and lack of knowledge. I have been trying to find authentic sources to find the Dalil of our common practice of wiping our faces with our hands after dua. I understand from Sheikh Umar Al-Khatib’s book that this practice is not recommended for Qunut of Subuh. Your clarification is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Wasalam.


Alaykum Salam,

`Abd al-Razzaq narrated with his chain in his Musannaf (2:252-253) from Yahya ibn Sa`id al-Ansari the qadi of al-Madina that “Ibn `Umar used to supplicate together with al-Qass” (kâna yabsutu yadayhi ma`a al-Qass) and that “they [i.e. the senior Successors] mentioned that those that came before them [i.e. the Companions] would supplicate and then place back their hands on their faces so as to place back the du`â’ and its baraka. Al-Qass is the Tâbi`î `Ubayd ibn `Umayr ibn Qatada al-Laythi al-Makki the admonisher and Qur’anic commentator.

Shaykh Abu Ghudda said in his edition of Thalath Rasa’il fi Istihbab al-Du`â wa Raf` al-Yadayn ba`d al-Salawat al-Maktuba (p. 94): “This is frank evidence to the effect that wiping the face with the two hands after raising them in supplication was practiced in the first generations.”

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Hajj Gibril Haddad

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