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Tag Archives: be and it will be
Can Allah (swt) do everything?
My whole life as a Muslim, I was told Allah can do everything but there was never a proof like a Quranic passage or a hadith. Can you give me proof or verses? Like can He make a tree give fruits that cures cancers or a man give birth to a child? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged able, Allah knows best, Allah's Will, be and it will be, capable, everything, irada, kun fayakun, questioning Allah
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Dream by Tahir Siddiqui
There was a post titled Dream; kun faykun posted on 31st oct 2011 by Tahir Siddiqui. it spoke at length about the concept of Allah giving the powers to an individual to say “Be” and it will be… kun faya kun. it was mentioned in the post that its reference can be found in the hadith quds… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged be and it will be, hadith qudsi, kun fayakun, Rabbani, reference, source
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