Tag Archives: believing jinn
Ghosts and jinns
I have some questions as I was looking at this channel and it shows people having experiences with paranormal activity in real life situations. They say they hear sounds and things… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged believing jinn, mu-min jinn, Muslim jinn, supernatural phenomena, world of Jinn
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In the dua of aytul kursi it says things like Ya Hin , Ya Haylan , Ya jawlan etc.
Isnt this shirk? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angelic beings, angels, believing jinn, du`a Ayat al-Kursi
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Help! Mist and Colors
I have a question regarding seeing mist or white coloured smoke,all the time moving here and there. Sometimes it is flowing over ceilings and walls of the room and sometimes it moves near by me moving left to right,right to left… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angels, believing jinn, colors, fog, guardians, lights, mist, mumin jinn, protectors, smoke
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