Tag Archives: conception
Surah Maryam, Yusuf, both…?
Before conceiving I made the Dua for a boy from this website and wrote out surah Yusuf. Continue reading
I am Obstetrician and Gynecologist from Indonesia
Sir, please show me an Arabic text of a hadith about embryology. Continue reading
I have been trying to conceive for 8 years now Continue reading
Prayer Request: For child bearing and good husband
Have gone through very bad times with my husband but now Alhamdulillah he is on the right path. Please please remember us in your prayers and what can we do for Allah Taalah to grant us good offspring? Continue reading
I have a question in regards to abortion,a while ago when I was about 20 years old I found out I was pregnant and didn’t want the baby,so I had an abortion when… Continue reading
Prayer Request: First Child
My husband and I would like, inshAllah, have a first child. We have been married for just over a year and we feel the timing is right. We tried to conceive a few days ago, and I have to wait about two weeks before knowing if I am pregnant of not… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Prayer for child
My wife and I have been trying to concieve naturally for 5 years. Despite medical… Continue reading
I’ve been married for three years, and I had two abortions,and I’ve been going since into many doctors,since my body is now very weak. Continue reading