Tag Archives: daily practice
Fear of shirk during dhikrLa peur du Shirk (de l’idôlaterie) pendant le dhikr
I have a fire in my heart burning my soul that is asking me, “How can I make Dhikrullah without thinking about Him (and so mentally describing Him) and so making hidden Shirk during Salat and Awrad?” [fr]J’ai une braise dans mon cœur qui brûle mon âme et qui me demande : [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Allah swt, awliyaullah, awrad, concentration, daily practice, dhikr, focus, mindless, prayer, Prophet Muhammad (s), recitation, salat, shirk
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La peur du Shirk (de l’idôlaterie) pendant le dhikr