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Tag Archives: du`a of Sayyidina Dawud
Dua of love of Prophet Dawod alayhisalam
In the previous article it was mentioned that the person would have to put the amulet around his right arm… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged du`a of Sayyidina Dawud, love, tawiz
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History of dua’a of Prophet Dawood A.S.
786. Asalamu ‘alaikum. Please, where does dua’a of Prophet Dawood alaihi salam comes from? What is the story related to it? If you don’t mind, to tell us where does it come from. Is there a hadith about it? Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged du`a of Sayyidina Dawud, history, source, Suyuti
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I wanted marry a girl named alisha ghani, but because of a family tragedy that happened to her she stopped talking to me . I did isthikara and i got good dreams. Continue reading
In love
I was with a Christian boy and wanted to marry him if he accepts Islam. All of a sudden something went wrong, we had a few trivial fights, and everything got blown out of proportion and we got separated. Continue reading
Love and marriage
I love a guy and he loved me too. We even planned to get married as he already spoke to my mother. But as soon as family start to get to know, we just got a small problem which looks big and without any reason… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged du`a of Sayyidina Dawud, dua for marriage, love, marriage
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Required reference from Quran
Kindly confirm the authentication of dua Hazrat Dawood alaihe salam. And give the Quaranic reference of this dua. Continue reading
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