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Tag Archives: ghad al-basar
Lowering gaze
So many times we will look many times over but with no haram motivate Continue reading
Dream: Son and a lady
I have seen a bad dream that my elder son (14 yr) is lying on floor and a lady is trying to do bad thing with him. I saw a male sexual organ also… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation, Family Issues, Marriage/Divorce
Tagged advice to youth, engagement, ghad al-basar, Hawwa, hifzh al-faraj, lust, marriage process, parental obstacles, protection from fornication, pubescent, sexual desire, shahwah, young age, younger people, zina
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Dream: Young LadyRêve : Jeûne femme
I was in a Masjid with my younger sister. We were waiting for a young lady to come out of her room, which was in the Masjid. In my dream this lady was a pious woman and a granddaughter of a very pious man. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ghad al-basar, green, hijab, lower the gaze, paradise, path, scarf, white
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Rêve : Jeûne femme
Diseases of the heart
Please provide me with some remedy for spiritual disease of the heart, my heart is exhibiting symptoms of a disease. I need help in order to overcome my sexual desire- ie looking at women etc. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged desire, ghad al-basar, looking, marriage, muhasaba, nadhr, sins
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