Tag Archives: give charity
Prayer Request: For recovery from sickness
I am sick for many years, get recovered but fall ill time and again.Presently I am ill for last many months, and in worst condition. I reach close to dying. I get dead weak when… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Financial Problem
Only a few day ago I wrote email to eshaykh asking dua for my problem. Especially for my rent. Alhamdulillah today I paid my rent in miraculous way… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Brother who has severe mental illnessPrayer Request: Prayer brother who has severe mental illness
My brother has been in hospital for 6 months now with a very severe mental illness. He was first diagnosed with severe depression and has been on medication although we have been seeking spiritual treatment… Continue reading
Dua for swollen testicles
This is my 2nd request, I have swollen testicles with pain… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Having a disease
As salam, I was diagnosed with ‘veritgo’, that is a type of dizziness. It makes me hallucinating things moving. Doctor give me an appointment but till then, I still suffer from it… Continue reading
My Brother’s Illness
I have a brother who cannot speak since birth is there a cure to this. My mum and dad have been Pakistan to doctors… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Cronic eyes problems
I’m in great despair and has lost hope for getting syifai as I had tried numerous places to get treated.Ya Wali Allah I’m having eyes problems since I was 5… Continue reading
Dream: Death
Dream: Bismillahirahmaniraheem Salaam: My name is [private]. I have depression & recently bowel problems. My doctors prescribed painkillers which cause hallucinations. I was sleeping & woke up @ night to see someone standing on the right side of my bed. … Continue reading
Prayer Request: Son got bitten
Request: Assalam alaikum, Beloved Shaikh Nazim and Beloved Shaikh Hisham.It is my humble request to you O my murshid please do help me.My son was bitten by a stray dog very severely. He has been given his first active immunization … Continue reading
Prayer Request: My father is unwell, Epilepsy
YA Saydi, My father [private] is unwell since last 2006. due to epilepsy caused by heart seizure. It has put my life and my family in very testing times and we have been courageously facing every financial and emotional crisis,… Continue reading