Tag Archives: gods
Salutations to non-Muslim friends on their holidays
I would like to know if it is allowed for Muslims to wish their non Muslim friends like Happy Deepavalli to Hindus. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged acceptance, celebration, consideration, festival, gods, greetings, holiday, holiday greetings, non-Muslims, relations with non-Muslims, respect, tolerance
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Shirk of the Mushriks
Q25:3 says the disbelievers as those who takes idols or that which is created and harmless as “gods”. But what makes an object a “god/ilah” ?… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, books of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, disbelievers, doctrine, gods, help, Holy Qur'an, idols, ilah, intercession, istighatha, mushrik, partnership to Allah, Salafi, shirk, Wahabis, worship
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Prayer Request: Sihr?
Is there Sihr black magic to destroy my family?… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged a`uzu billah min ash-Shaytan ir-rajeem, Ayat al-Kursi, beautiful, black hair, black magic, difficulties, du`a of Ayat al-Kursi, evil, family, father, gods, human sacrifice, lady, problems, protection, Sayyida Fatimah, second wife, sihr, smiling, spiritual power, support, wicked, woman
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