Tag Archives: Hajjah Ruqayya
Dream: Many dreams Mawlana Sheikh Nazim
In general I dream of Mawlana Sh. Nazim a lot mashallah. I have too many… Continue reading
Related to my earlier post: two questions
1) Interpreting a dream, Shaykh Nazim said that the Prophet (SAW) has accepted the one who saw the dream… Continue reading
Dream: Shaykh Nazim and Hajjah Ruqqayah
My mother-in-law dreamed about Sheikh Nazim. She was in their house and there was Mawlana and Hajja Rokya. Continue reading
Dream: seated with Mawlana Sultan and Hajjah Ruqayah
I entered a small room with Mawlana’s daughter, Hajjah Ruqayah, seated and Mawlana Sultan also seated on a chair. Continue reading
Dream: Chain of Bracelets
I had a similar dream before regarding a package from Hajjah Naziha.. I have recently had a similar dream… were I wake up in the morning recieved post .. a very small pakage saying my name on it from Hajjah Naziha.. wen I open it.. again I find a chain of bracelets… Continue reading