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Tag Archives: hal
Definition of Hal
ould you please share with me a definition of the state of ” hal “… Continue reading
sheikh Daghestani
I heard that Sheikh Daghestani said about Sheikh Nazim that he will reach higher ranks that the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahabas.
Is this what he really said about him? Continue reading
If one enters the state of wajd (ecstacy) during zikr to the point they seem out of control, what should family members/friends around him do to help bring them back round if the person is out of control? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dhikr, ecstasy, hal, spiritual ecstasy, spiritual state, uncontrollable, wajd
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love of medina
Q: Alhamdulillah I performed hajj 3 times and I always feel that my love for medina mounawarra increase and that this love is greater than the love of mecca and the kaaba. Continue reading