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Tag Archives: humiliation
The Most Powerful Wazifa
i want to recite the most powerful wird wazifa even if i die Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged bad characteristics, black clot, black spots, characteristics of the ego, death of ego, disciple, dominion of the heart, fitra, fragrance, freedom, humbleness, humiliation, humility, move in space, murid, oath, Orkallisa Muhammad, pressurized, satanic influence, Sayyidina Jamaluddin al-Ghumuq, seeker, self-abasement, selfishness, six powers of the heart, spiritual guidance, spiritual opening, spiritual path, spiritual power, spiritulal clearance, spreading love, ten levels, The Reality of Attraction (Haqiqatu ’l-jadhbah), The Reality of Downpouring (Haqiqatu ’l-fayd), The Reality of Focusing (Haqiqatu ’t-tawajjuh), The Reality of Guidance (Haqiqatu ’l-irshad), The Reality of Intercession (Haqiqatu ’t-tawassul), The Reality of Scrolling (Haqiqatu ’t-tayy), The Sufi Science of Self-Realization, truth of certainty, ubiquitous, ubiquity, volcano, wazifa
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Dream: seeing Jesus as a Christian?
…when I was about 11 years old, I saw a dream in which Jesus was in a dark room with some evil people torturing him in invisible ways. Jesus was in great agony, running about the room and screaming, trying to free himself. When I woke up I felt a deep human connection to him and never disliked him afterwards, but adopted the view that he was misunderstood, but I still didn’t subscribe to the Christian doctrine… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `aqidah, beliefs, connection, doctrine, evil, humiliation, Jesus Christ, Sayyidina `, torture
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