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Tag Archives: invalid divorce
Forced Divorce
I have a question: Is talaq under pressure accepted? For example, a husband was forced by his parents to divorce his wife although he loves his wife and doesn’t want to.
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Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged coercion, divorce, divorce wife, forced talaq, invalid divorce, parental wishes
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Unilateral divorce?
My name is [private] and I currently reside in Canada. I was married with my wife [private] since 2001 in Trinidad, and have three chiildren with her… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Halal & Haram
Tagged abusive husband, Canada, divorce, dowry, fiqh, ijtihad, invalid divorce, invalid marriage, Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Law, khul, khula`, mahr, married, Muslim court, Shari`ah, Trinidad
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