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Tag Archives: `Isha
Regarding Tahajjud
1: As a Shafi would like to confirm …. Is it true that tahajjud prayer can be performed at ANY time after `Isha as long as one has slept then awoke to perform the prayer ( even if before midnight )? Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged `Isha, fajr, Maghrib, prayer calculation, prayer-times, subh, tahajjud
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`Isha Salat, Imam Shafi`i
A while back I mentioned reading a piece from Shaykh Nuh Keller,where he stated that for Shafi Isha should not be offered later than 40-70 minutes after… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged `Isha, Imam Shafi`i, Salat al-Maghrib, salat timing, Shafi`i School, timing, timing of prayer
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