Tag Archives: legal punishment
No legal punishment for adultery & drinking?
A question was asked about repentance for adultery & drinking. Mawlana Sh. Haddad, while answering wrote: “There is no legal punishment (hadd) for these offenses in our time. However, the following four are required…” Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged drinking alcohol, hadd, legal punishment, zina
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Repentance for zina and drinking
Q: Could you please advise the best method of repentance for the following: 1) Adultery; 2) Drinking alcohol[fr]Q: Could you please advise the best method of repentance for the following: 1) Adultery; 2) Drinking alcohol[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Prayer Request
Tagged `azm, adultery, desisting, determination, drinking, forgiveness, good deeds, hadd, huquq, iqla`, istighfar, legal punishment, nadama, remorse, repentance, sins, violated rights, zina
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