Tag Archives: lust
Overtaken by lust
Please pray and ask forgiveness on my behalf that I can stop looking at the opposite sex in lustful ways, and avoid doing haram acts as a consequence… Continue reading
Masturbation, it’s ruling
I’d like to ask- what is the ruling regarding masturbation? What happens if one masturbates even after getting married due to low satisfaction? Is it halal or haram then? Continue reading
Dream: Holding white flag
I am 32 years old single male, I had a dream that I am standing on ground holding white flag ,then I hear someone says “its not yours” I leave flag and walk away , Continue reading
4 spiritual enemies
Q: I would like to ask you to please explain the difference between Shaytan, Nafs, Hubb ud Dunya (Love for this world) and Hawa (Desire). I thought that Shaytan is the one who makes people to have bad nafs, hubb ud dunya and hawa or are they each seperate? Continue reading
Hadith on Perfume, Women and Salat
Q: I wanted to ask a question which is; the hadith of the Prophet p.b.u.h about in this world he loves 3 things. “i.e. woman or women (please correct me if I’m wrong i.e. singular, plural etc,and also the order the 3 things appear in), perfume and coolness of my eyes are in prayer”. Continue reading