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Tag Archives: nazar
Naik Nazar
Can you provide references or explain what Naik (Good) Nazar of an Awliya is? Continue reading
I have been told that someone has done bandish (black magic) on me so that i do not have kids and that i have nazar too. What am i suppose to do in these circumstances? Continue reading
Duaa for loss hair
For some time I had problem with losing my hair, and because of this I had to see myself forced to use hair extensions could help me with some duaa to solve this problem and seek help from Allah to help me get my long hair again?
Thank you. Continue reading
Black Magic jinn rijit anxiety or unknown disease
Aoa I have some proglem for past 15 months like black magic or unknow diease I have pain all over body hand pain brain pain short of breath etc Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged anxiety, false black magic, nazar, negative energy, pain
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Dream: Moved to a new house
We have moved to a new house in another town within the same country. However, my wife says in the dream she was showing the house to some relatives. Both she and the guests commented… Continue reading
Evil Eye from Mother-in-Law
My question is that I recovered from one illness and caught in another one my mother-in-law hate me a lot and always look with evil eyes… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged evil eye, family problems, mother-in-law, nazar, wazifa
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Protection from Nazar during Pregnancy
hat the first three months of pregnancy are very delicate to try to prevent harm from evil eyes.. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Women's Issues
Tagged hasad, nazar, pregnancy advice, spiritual protection, tawakkul
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No Marriage Proposals
Someone has done bandish that no proposals come.. Need help please.. Need a cure to break this bandish… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged Ayat al-Kursi, bandish, du`a Ayat al-Kursi, general, kill black magic, lack of proposals, nazar, negative jinn, seeking marriage, sihr, tawiz
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Black Magic from S. Africa.
I have being blocked with sihr- black magic and voodoo from South Africa my origin.
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged black magic, blocked, evil people, evil promptings, evil spirits, fake healers, hasad, jealousy, nazar, powerful, sihr, sihr prescription, voodoo
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Dua e Manzil
I have recently started reciting dua e manzil and blowing on myself and on my… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged du`a on food, nazar, negative energy
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