Tag Archives: need for a guide

Prayer Request: Tariqat

I am a humble speck seeking the love of the Beloved SalAllahu Alahi Wasallam. However, I need a spiritual guide who could help this unworthy thing… Continue reading

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“Peaceful feeling”

Dear Shaykh,
I come from a Hindu background. I reverted to Islam a few years ago. My parents still follow the essentials of Hinduism and visit temples. Recently I visited a temple with my parents out of respect and tolerance. When I walked around and looked at each idol.. A feeling of peace creeped all over my body. At the mosque I go to near my college, I have never felt this kind of peace at the jummah khutbah or prayer. I have only felt this kind of peace at a tiny Bengali mosque I prayed at in NYC. Why did this happen shaykh? Why can I not feel the peace in my heart at the place of worship of my religion? Continue reading

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Crop Circles

Many years ago MSN (QA) stated that awliya from the spiritual world are producing these wonderful gemoetric shapes in fields, commonly known as crop circles… Continue reading

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Uwaisiyan way of Bait

i have considered Hazrat Syedna Nizamuddin Aulia (R.A.) as my Pir, even though he is not alive. Continue reading

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To Sheikh Gibril Haddad

If you don’t mind i just want to ask you 2 questions relating to yourself.
As my friend has been spiritual been guided to seek company of a sheikh thru a dream Continue reading

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Surah Sajda verse three – explanation please

“As the question always lingers in the mind if a guide is needed or not – while reading Surah Sajada I came across “intercessor”. As Sufi’s lay a lot of emphasis on intercession not only from the Prophet saw but also from their Shaykh Continue reading

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