Tag Archives: palm-reading
Dream: Known young man appearing in several dreams
1 I walk over to this known young man (I’ll name him Z) & we make eye contact, his eye had an appealing sparkle… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged characteristic, couch, handsome, husband, kurta, lines, mother, palm, palm-reading, piety, religious party, Roman numerals, smile, sparkling eyes, understand, white hat, young man
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Mahdi (a.s), when Muhammad (s.a.w) is mentioned and hand reading
When Muhammad (s.a.w) is mentioned i see people kiss there thumbs and touch there eyes or something like that. Is this permitted, if yes why should we do it? Continue reading
Posted in General, Halal & Haram
Tagged enormity, fortune-telling, haram, kaba'ir, kabeerah, palm-reading, palmistry, sin
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