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Tag Archives: public area
Swimming attire for men
While in Lefke I heard some murids talking about how when we go swimming, it is best to cover not only from our navel to our knees, but our chests and shoulders as well… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged appropriate attire, covering `awra, exposing body parts, guarding private parts, hifzh al-faraj, intimate parts, modest dress, public area, swim gear, swimming
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Salat on natural ground
Please can you advise with regards to the obligation of praying on natural ground i.e. non-man made?[fr]Please can you advise with regards to the obligation of praying on natural ground i.e. non-man made?[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged clean, ground, impurities, man-made, namaz, natural ground, obligation, obstacles, permissibility, prayer, public area, salat
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