Tag Archives: Qalam
Hadith of Jabir
Q: I would like to know what is the level (sahih, hasan, daeef, etc) of the Hadith of Jabir (ra). [fr]Q: I would like to know what is the level (sahih, hasan, daeef, etc) of the Hadith of Jabir (ra). [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Takhrij
Tagged `Arsh, ar-ruh al-Muhammadiyya, book, hadith, Jabir ibn `Abd Allah, Lawh al-Mahfuzh, light, Muhammadan Light, Muhammadan Soul, Nur Muhammadi, pen, Preserved Tablets, Prophet Muhammad (s), Qalam, Throne
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If not for you, Ya Muhammad (s) I would not have created creation
Question: ‘were it not for you oh Muhammad I would not have created the world’ Where is the above hadith? (apologies for asking but we are being asked by others). Answer: Indeed the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) is … Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged `Arsh, Jibril, Lawh al-Mahfuzh, Qalam, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)
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