Tag Archives: Qawali

Prayer request: Music

I am learning the Harmonium (baja) and want to play qawwali. could you please pray that my brothers and my voice becomes good and our urdu improves. Continue reading

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Dream: Hateem!!!
Rêve sur Sami Yousouf

I saw that brother Sami Yousuf is sitting inside Hateem and some persons are sitting behind him (as those who sit in qawwali, for backing vocals etc.)[fr]J’ai vu [en rêve ou en vision] que frère Sami Yousuf était assis à l’intérieur de Hateem…[/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve sur Sami Yousouf

Dream: Motorbikers & Mawlana in Bright Colours

A car with Qawali/sufi music drives past me, my brother and my sister. My brother get in his own car and drives away almost crashing into 2 Motorbikes and 4 bikers. Continue reading

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