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Tag Archives: refutation
Refutation to Claims that the Naqshbandi Golden Chain Has Broken Links
Could you write a piece in refutation to the claims that the Naqshbandi Golden Chain has broken links? I ask this as this claim in spread in the salafi circles in the UK and it is causing a fitnah and misleading some mureeds. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged accusations, attacks, awliayullah, false claim, Naqshband Golden Chain, Naqshbandi Masters, Naqshbandi Siddiqi, refutation, Salafis, Sayyidina Shah Naqshband (q), silsila, tariqah, tasawwuf, Uwaysi connection, Uwaysi transmission
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The reality of “Sufism”
An wahabi author named Shaykh Muhammad ibn Rabi ‘Ibn al-Haadi Madkhali wrote a small book attacking Sufism, called “the reality of Sufism”… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged attacking sufism, refutation, Wahhabis
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