Tag Archives: risk
Insurance and investment
Salams, I read this hadith online
Abu Huraurah (radi Allahu anhu) narrated, “The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) prohibited sales of ‘ whatever a pebble thrown by the seller hits,’ and sales in which there is chance or risk (Gharar).” (Sahih Muslim) Continue reading
Why I don’t find all around internet an Islamic view in use, abuse and victims of Benzodiazepines?… Continue reading
Anatomical anomaly
I have a problem. I am attained by an anatomical anomaly which doctors know as gynecomastia. [fr]I have a problem. I am attained by an anatomical anomaly which doctors know as gynecomastia. [/fr] Continue reading
Labor & Anesthesia
Question: Does Mawlana have an opinion on taking anethesia (epidural, spinal) during labor? My wife is pregnant and wants to know as she heard it can pass to the baby. Answer: It is okay to take anesthesia (epidural,Spine). Hajjah Naziha … Continue reading