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Tag Archives: Spain
Where to take my scholarship
I have just finished some studies related with cooperation to development, and I have received a scholarship to spend from 3 to 6 months… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged Africa, Asia, children, development, education, Indonesia, Latin America, location, project, scholarship, Spain, teaching
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Fear of scolopendra
I live in the mountains in southern Spain and there are insects here called scolopendras…. Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged bite, block, cat, catch, clean, crawl, creatures, daughter, dependents, dry, enter, fear, fireworks, fumigate, home, house, insects, kill, leaves, legs, millipedes, mountains, painful, panic, peel, poison, pomegranate, protect, realgar, recite, rooster, root, saffron, scolopendras, scorpions, seek refuge, Spain, sting, stung, thick, uncontrollable
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